We love our children and passionately desire to see them embrace the wonderful love of Christ! For this reason, we devote ourselves to praying for and planning times that our church family can celebrate the heritage that GOD is giving us.
Ministry for Preschoolers: Loving childcare/ministry is provided for children up through Kindergarten during all of our times of worship. On Sunday mornings at 9:00 am we have a bed babies class, a toddler class, a class for children ages 2-3 yrs old, and a class for 4yrs old – Kindergarten. These classrooms are located just behind our sanctuary in the (B Wing). While in class the children are taught the love and plan of GOD through Bible lessons and songs and interactive free play.
Extended Session for Preschoolers: (During Sunday morning worship) The preschool classrooms are located on the Main floor (B Wing) behind our Sanctuary. On Sunday mornings at 10:30am we have a bed babies class, a toddler class, a class for children ages 2-3 yrs old, and a class for 4yrs old – Kindergarten.
Sunday School for Grades 1-5: Children in grades 1-5 meet upstairs at 9:00am behind our sanctuary in the (C Wing). All children in grades 1-5 are escorted at the close of Sunday school to the sanctuary to rejoin their family.
Children’s Worship: Children in grades 2 and younger are invited to attend Children’s Worship which takes place during the preaching part of the Sunday services. Children are encouraged to worship with their families at the beginning of the service and will be escorted to Children’s Worship mid way through the service to have a Bible lesson, song, and activity to go along with the message being preached to the adults.
Wednesday Night: Awana Ministry for preschoolers and kids meets every Wednesday from 5:30-7:00. This is a high-energy program centered around scripture memory in a fun and meaningful way. Contact the church office to sign up.